Viral Akun Rusia Remehkan Penyemprotan Disinfektan ke WNI dari Wuhan

GELORA.CO - Sebuah akun twitter Rusia @russian_market menayangkan video kedatangan WNI dari Wuhan yang mendarat di Bandara Hang Nadim, Batam.

Pada video tersebut setiap WNI yang turun dari pesawat Batik Air disemprot cairan disinfektan.

Nah, Rusia pun menjadi trending topic karena caption yang terkesan meremehkan cara penanganan Indonesia terhadap Virus Corona.

"They call it disinfection? Indonesia... no words."

Pembelaan dari Netizen pun bermunculan

@Vidka91 Membalas @russian_market dan @kang_batag0r
It was sterilization disinfectant NOT disinfection.
when you don't understand it's better not to talk, because it will show your stupidity CorbeauxInvest
Sebelumnya akun @CorbeauxInvest memang berkicau menyalahkan Membalas @russian_market dan @saint1966
It's just SO WRONG.
I've done Tropical & Infectious disease diagnosis & treatment. The Virus is live inside the bodies. Not on clothes or suitcases.
They're just poisoning these people.
What's the spray?

@Mkhlbnhrd Membalas @russian_market
This is not the full treatment for the virus. They were transferred from this to a military plane (a Hercules cmiie) and going to be quarantined on a military base in a secluded island.

@nicholasspr Membalas @russian_market
Julid aja lu, this's the first step not the last step and they will be quarantined for +-two weeks
Kek bapak bapak warung lu

@satriadn Membalas @russian_market
It’s only the first step before the National Health Authorities quarantine those poople for 14days in military base, the health status would be monitored on those days. Better think about your country, 2 people already infected while Indonesia fortunately still free of the virus.

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